Doctoral School

Recruitment process to the Doctoral School

Stages of recruitment:

  1. The candidate should make themselves familiar with the Recruitment Resolution and Criteria for evaluating candidates in the qualification process to the Doctoral School regarding programme in English.
  2. Before registering the candidate selects a supervisor representing the discipline in which the candidate plans to pursue education from the list of supervisors and the list of research topics.
    The supervisor candidate's (a potential supervisor) has to be an academic teachers holding at least the degree of doktor habilitowany. The supervisor candidate’s consent is required (in Polish and English). 
  3. The candidate registers his account in the UKW Internet Recruitment System (IRK) and applies to the doctoral school in selected discipline. Candidates shall enter legible scans of the required documents (PDF format) in the IRK system in the period from 19 to 30 August 2024 or may submit a document required in the recruitment process from 26 to 30 August 2024 in hours from 9.00 to 14.00 (Biuro ds. Stopni, ul. Chodkiewicza 30, room no 126). Submission of incomplete documents or submission of documents after the deadline provides the basis for leaving the application without consideration.
  4. Documents drawn up in a foreign language (other than English) shall be submitted by the candidate together with their translation into English. Translations of official documents must be certified by a sworn translator. The candidate shall provide the original documents to the Office of Degrees (UKW) not later than by 27 September 2024. In special instances, upon a written request of the candidate, the chairman of the recruitment committee may decide to extend the deadline for submitting documents.
  5. In the first stage of the selection process, the recruitment committees verifies the completeness of submitted documents and examines the documents submitted by the candidate and awards points in accordance with the criteria (appendix No. 1 or 1a to Recruitment Resolution). The recruitment committee makes a formal evaluation of the documents submitted between 4 and 20 September 2024.
  6. In the second stage of the selection process, during the interview, the recruitment committee evaluates the candidate's scientific potential. The selection process, at the candidate's request, may be conducted remotely using audio and video messengers. The type of messenger is specified by UKW in the invitation to an interview.The interviews will be conducted from 9 to 20 September 2024 in accordance with the schedule. The place and exact date of the interviews are indicated by the chairman of the recruitment commission in the schedule. Information on the date and place of interviews held within individual disciplines shall be made available on the UKW website at least 5 days before the scheduled date of the interview. 
  7. The results of the qualification procedure are announced on the UKW website (only the list of qualified candidates, first names and surnames are published). Each candidate who took part in the qualification procedure receives information about the result of the recruitment procedure to their personal registration account in the IRK system.

    The results of the qualification process shall be announced no later than 7 days after the end of the qualification procedure.

     A candidate qualified to be included in the list of doctoral students within the admission limit shall be entered into the list of doctoral students of the doctoral school after providing required documents.

  8. Each doctoral student receives a scholarship (including social security contributions and health insurance contribution).