Education - Animation - Culture

Informations formally-legal

Special provisions

  1. Property rights (copyright) to the published text is owned by Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz (en bloc) and the authors (each to their text separately).
  2. Copyright for magazine cover of Education - Animation - Culture is owned by the Editor in Chief professor M. Cichosz, Ph.D.
  3. With the consent of the Editor in Chief professor Mariusz Cichosz, Ph.D. annals can be transferred to another entity of the Kazimierz Wielki University, another research establishment or a research and teaching institution, or a commercial publishing house, which will assure its operation, supervision and become its publisher. In this case, the use of symbolism and graphic design will be possible with the consent of the Editor in Chief professor Mariusz Cichosz, Ph.D. or other person holding the copyright to the currently used graphic design.
  4. Suggested shortened way citation is as follows: EAC, Vol. Roman numerals (another year Arabic numerals) e.g. EAC, Vol. XI (2013).
  5. The annals of EAC is published in electronic form - electronic edition available at is the original and definitive version
  6. The editorial office of the journal shall not limit in any way further dissemination of their texts by the authors or their reprints in another periodical provided EAC be indicated as the primary source of the original print.

The Editors

  1. Ordinary members of the editorial committee (from 1 to 5) are selected by the Editor in Chief of the journal Education - Animation - Culture prof. Mariusz Cichosz, Ph.D.
  2. A member of the editorial committee must have at least a Ph.D. and specialize in social studies, cultural studies or humanities.
  3. The term of office of the editorial committee lasts for a period of two years.
  4. The Editor in Chief of the journal Education - Animation - Culture has the right to dismiss the editorial committee en bloc or any of its members. The dismissal of members of the editorial committee becomes effective from the moment of its delivery to the members of the committee. However, if the editorial work over the next issue has already started before the dismissal, the editorial committee continues to work until the publishing of this issue.
  5. The editorial committee shall deliberate and take decisions collectively by a simple majority of votes (in case of equality of votes for and against the vote of the editor in chief is decisive), meet at least once a year in the month of January. Decisions taken by the editorial committee relate to the composition of reviewing bodies 1 and 2 stage (their appointment and dismissal), and the reviewing procedures. In all cases in which these rules indicated otherwise, the editorial committee is appropriate to decide.
  6. The Editor in Chief acting alone appoints and dismisses: secretaries of the editorial team (from 1 to 3), editors of special issues (among the members of the selection committee), language editors and statistical editors. Among the members of the 1st stage reviewing committee the editor in chief appoints the chairman of this committee. Upon the dismissal of the editor in chief these persons shall cease to perform their functions.
  7. The editor of a special issue is a temporary function, for the period of editorial work on this issue and ends with its release.

The Editorial Board 

It provides further scientific development of the journal, if necessary, suggesting changes in its research profile and structure. The Editorial Board, by a simple majority of votes, may request the Editor in Chief of the journal in any matter concerning the annals, its functioning and organs. It meets / contacts in matters regarding the magazine at least once a year. 


1st and 2nd stage Reviewing Committee 

  1. The 1st stage reviewing committee consists of persons who have at least a PhD degree and at the invitation of the editorial committee agreed to perform this function.
  2. The 2nd stage reviewing committee consists of persons who are not employees of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, who have at least a PhD degree, who accepted the invitation of the editorial committee and agreed to perform this function.
  3. The dismissal of the editorial committee does not affect the performance of their functions by the members of the 1st and 2nd stage reviewing committees.

Reviewing rules

The rules have been developed in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and all materials published in the journal are subject to the reviews (also publications of a reporting character and reviews). Articles analyzing the results of empirical studies are subject to further assessment of the statistical editor. 

The reviewing process consists of three stages:

  1. acceptance / rejection of the text for review,
  2. proper review,
  3. acceptance / rejection of the text to print. 

A detailed description of the particular stages: 

Re. 1. Acceptance / rejection of the text for review

The Editorial Board of Education - Animation - Culture determines the initial acceptance or rejection of the submitted text. In making this decision first of all formal criteria and its own preliminary assessment of the merits are taken into account, including compatibility issues of the submitted text with the journal profile.  

Re. 2. Proper review

2.1. According to the double-blind review procedure, ghostwriting and guest authorship texts without any indication of the author are sent to the 1st stage reviewing committee. The first stage of review is carried out by two members of the 1st stage reviewing committee designated by the chairman of this reviewing committee subject to paragraph. 5. 

2.2. After a positive assessment of the text by the two designated members of the 1st stage reviewing committee at the aforementioned stage, it is sent for review to two members of the 2nd stage reviewing committee (designated by acting together - the editor in chief and the chairman of the 1st stage reviewing committee).

2.3. After obtaining both positive reviews, subject to par. 6, the text is sent by the editors for proofreading.

2.4. In special cases, at the request of an editorial committee member proofreading of the text may, if so decided by the editorial committee, precede the 1st and 2nd stage reviews.

2.5. In the case when one of the persons making up the editorial committee or who is the secretary of the editors or the editor of a special issue submits their own text to the annals, the double-blind review procedure concerns them in the same way as other authors. In this case, the other members of the editorial committee are responsible for following this procedure.

2.6. In cases where the editorial committee considers the procedure of double-blind review pointless in connection with the method of narration or self-quotations adopted in the text, which clearly indicates the author or a specific subject, which is dealt with only by the author,  the editorial committee decides to abandon the double-blind review procedure and at the same time asks reviewers to attach a written statement that there is no conflict of interest such as direct personal relationship between the reviewer and the author (kinship, legal, conflict), professional reporting relationships, direct scientific cooperation in the past two years prior to preparing the review.

2.7. The name of any of the reviewers will not be disclosed to the author submitting a text at any stage, also in the case of withdrawal from the procedure of double-blind review process described above.

2.8. In the case of the double-blind review process and a positive review the reviewer has the right, before the printing of the text, to obtain information about the identity of the author of the text. In the case of negative reviews this information is not disclosed by the editors.

2.9. Reviews at each stage of reviewing must be in writing, be signed and finish with an explicit conclusion concerning the approval of the article for publication or rejection. The author receives only substantively important for him fragments of the review, without any elements that could disclose the reviewer. The author only knows that reviewers are persons from the list of reviewers.

2.10. The reviewers in their deliberations should focus on the merit of the reviewed texts, in particular taking into account the innovative texts in domestic and foreign literature, and the ability to pose new research problems. The process of logical thinking of the author and the formal side of the text are also subject to assessment. Review sheet is available here

2.11. The list of 1st and 2nd stage reviewers is permanently placed on the website of the journal Education - Animation - Culture and in individual issues. Once a year (in January), this list is subject to review, the necessary changes and enhancements.

2.12. In case of detection by the editorial committee or reviewers appropriating someone else's scientific work, the editorial committee, depending on the nature and extent of the violations shall immediately take appropriate measures. In particular, they will involve informing the institution employing a person in breach of copyright, scientific societies, which they are a member of, and other publishers of journals in the field of international, European or comparative law.

2.13. In special cases competent law enforcement authorities will be informed.