Faculty of Psychology

About Faculty

Our Students of Psychology:

  • are educated on the basis of a study curriculum evaluated as complying with international standards. The curriculum has been certified with EuroPsy (European Certificate in Psychology),
  • have the opportunity to come into contact with experienced academics whose scientific achievements are recognised not only nationally but also internationally,
  • have access to a good teaching infrastructure (multimedia equipment in classrooms and teaching laboratories; unlimited access to the resources of the Psychological Testing Laboratory, and the collections of the only Psychological Library in north-western Poland, as well as electronic library databases), and technological infrastructure (e.g. free access to the Internet, statistical data analysis package, apparatus for experimental research, including neuropsychological research, etc.),
  • study in an aesthetically pleasing and functional infrastructure (a building complex surrounded by greenery and fully adapted to the needs of people with disabilities),
  • spend time in a friendly environment of the entire academic community made up of students, teachers, administration staff and alumni who know each other, respect each other and are committed to the common good, regardless of beliefs, ethnic differences, or physical disabilities.

Psychology students of the Kazimierz Wielki University are offered the following specialisation modules to be selected after the third year of studies:

  • clinical psychology – the aim of this module is to introduce students to clinical psychology as a field of application of psychology in relation to children with developmental disorders and their families, people with mental, neurological, somatic illnesses and so-called personal problems. Students master the basic skills of clinical contact, choice of diagnostic and therapeutic methods, and other forms of psychological therapy focused on the individual and social environment. They gain experience in using theoretical knowledge derived from different strands of psychology to analyse the functioning of an individual, family and institution,
  • health and rehabilitation psychology – the aim of this module is to introduce students to health and rehabilitation psychology as a field of application of psychology to adults and children with somatic illnesses and disabilities. Students master the basic skills of clinical contact, choice of diagnostic and therapeutic methods, and other forms of psychological therapy focused on the individual and social environment,
  • social psychology – the module prepares students to diagnose and solve problems of adaptation to life in society and adjustment to the organisation of social life. The aim is to get to know mechanisms and regularities of social functioning of individuals and groups, including the family as a small social group, and how this knowledge can be applied in practice. Skills and competences useful for dealing with crisis incidents, conducting negotiations, organisational management, conflict resolution in workplace, school and family environments, and helpful in the prevention of social pathologies and re-socialisation are improved. Graduates are prepared theoretically and practically to carry out research and diagnostic activities and provide psychological assistance in solving social problems in a wide range of areas, including research on social behaviour for government and local government institutions, non-governmental organisations, or business and media,
  • developmental support psychology – the module prepares the student for psychological work in the following areas of professional practice: early childhood development support for children and their families, psychological work with families struggling with educational problems, dealing with child development and specific learning difficulties, support for healthy adults in their personal and professional development, and support for the development of seniors and somatically ill persons. Graduates of the module are competent in psychological diagnosis and designing specific psychostimulant and psychocorrective interventions based on selected methods of developmental support. Graduates are prepared for independent psychological practice and collaboration within interdisciplinary teams. They may find employment, e.g. in psychological-educational counselling centres and in education (after obtaining qualifications), care and educational institutions, centres providing individual and family counselling, centres for personal development and career guidance, centres for seniors and other people.

Students majoring in psychology have the opportunity to obtain pedagogical preparation within the meaning of §1, item 3 of the Regulation of the Ministry of Education and Science (MEN) of 12 March 2009 on detailed qualifications required from teachers (…) (Journal of Laws No. 50, item 400 as amended) as part of an additional, partly paid module of pedagogical preparation, implemented after the 3rd year of studies.

We are proud of our graduates, who find employment in various sectors of administration and economy, services and culture, successfully undertake self-employment, and win competitions for employment at our Institute while continuing their academic careers.

For more information visit our website: rekrutacja.ukw.edu.pl