About the symposium
The original socio-historical-cultural theory of development by Lev S. Vygotsky inspires researchers all over the world to undertake numerous theoretical and methodological studies, initiates new research and development projects and is an invitation to solve (research) problems of contemporary education.
The heuristic potential of Vygotsky’s theory is invaluable. More and more often one can hear about „undiscovered Vygotsky”, the tropes he left, problems he signalled…
The originality of Lev S. Vygotsky’s ideas and his unusual research intuition creates critical space for discussion and for exchange of experiences with regard to the attempts at searching hidden and deeper meanings of metacognitive conceptualizations of processes.
The Department of Didactics and Culture of Education Studies, Laboratory for Educational Change – Centre for Research on Learning and Development in the Institute of Education, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, invites scholars to study the original texts and to take up the challenge of searching for „undiscovered problems” present in the cognitively sophisticated theory proposed by Lev S. Vygotsky, to read the source texts in the context of contemporary culture of education.
The invitation to the symposium was accepted by
- Galina Zuckerman (Tsukerman), Professor in Educational Psychology; Laboratory of Psychological Development of Elementary Schoolchildren, Psychological Institute, Russian Academy of Education
- Pentti Hakkarainen, Professor of the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, founder Play Research Laboratory “Silmu” in 2002 at the University of Oulu.
- Milda Bredykite, Associated Professor of the Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology and a coordinator of research and teaching activities of the Research Laboratory of Play at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences.
- Thor-André Skrefsrud, Professor, Head of Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Education and Natural Sciences, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
- Thor Ola Engen, Professor Emeritus of Education at the Faculty of Education at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University).