Linguistica Bidgostiana vol. VI, Bydgoszcz 2009
I. Artykuły / The Articles
Halina Bartwicka: Zbrodnia katyńska w sowieckiej encyklopedii (o językowych środkach fałszu i manipulacji)
Katyn Massacre according to the Soviet Encyclopaedia (about linguistic means of deceit and manipulation)
The entry катынский расстрел (Katyn massacre) in the Great Soviet Encyclopaedia (1950-1958) differs from the cannon of encyclopaedic texts. First of all, it contains false information, and its style is overtly manipulative. The accumulation of emotionally coloured words (untypical of an encyclopaedia) is striking. These verbal choices were dictated by the author’s intentions, aimed at shaping public opinion in order to eliminate his own moral responsibility for the described event. Modern Russian encyclopaedic publications have different style of writing entries. In a dictionary published in 2002 the style of description is, as a matter of fact, appropriate for the genre of encyclopeadic works, however the composition of the text makes it lose its clarity and prevents it from revealing the whole truth. In such a scenario the written message becomes once more a tool for manipulation.
Izabela Bawej: Sprachliche Fehler und ihre Ursachen im Lichte dreier Spracherwerbshypothesen
Linguistic errors and their sources according to three hypotheses of foreign language acquisition
Learning never proceeds without making errors. The aim of this article is to find out and to explain why learners make errors in the process of foreign language learning. The article discusses some theoretical problems concerned with the potential sources of errors and the mechanism of their arising in the foreign language performance, according to the L1=L2 Hypothesis by Dulay/Burt (1974), the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis and the concept of Interlanguage by Selinker (1972).
Anna Bączkowska: Action research in applied linguistics
Action research in applied linguistics
Recent trends in research methodology promote data-driven paradigms which rely on hands-on experiential knowledge of a researcher-participant. Within this framework of research, gaining in popularity are approaches which inscribe in the critical theoretic framework, of which probably best known and currently oft-exploited is action research. The present article delineates the role and the working of action research in applied linguistics. The depth of applied linguistics, its subfields, interdisciplinary character and terminological ambiguity are issues discussed in the introductory part of this paper.
Emilia Glugla: Językowy obraz Krajny w powieściach "Obelnik" i "Stolemowe znamię" Konrada Kaczmarka
The Linguistic Picture of Krajna Region in Konrad Kaczmarek’s novels Obelnik i Stolemowe znamię
The article presents the linguistic analysis of literary references to Krajna (the region placed on the border between Pommerania and Greater Poland). Konrad Kaczmarek in his novels reconstructs the image of life in prehistoric times and then ‘travels’ in his imagination around the region but apart from literary fiction he uses some of the real toponyms and anthroponyms. The article can be qualified into literary onomastics which deals with the relationship between literary nomenclature and non-literary reality
Tamara Goncharova: Лингвистически ориентированные методы исследования политического дискурса
Linguistically oriented research methods of political discourse
To study methods of interaction of language and society is one of the most important tasks of social linguistics. Studying political language is initiated by at least three factors: needs of the linguistic theory, political science problems, and social demands. The article deals with the linguistically oriented methods of analysis in the political discourse (critical, cognitive, descriptive, and quantitative), focusing on the content analysis. The aim of the first part of the article is to concentrate on the social function of language. The second part of the article contains basic knowledge about the content analysis and its comparison to other analytical methods usually applied to political speech and textual arrays.
Tamara Graczykowska: Osobliwa leksyka w książce Tomasza Dąbala Polacy Związku Radzieckiego
Peculiar lexis in book of Tomasz Dąbal The Poles in Soviet Union
This article presents the results of linguistic analysis of The Poles in Soviet Union written by Tomasz Dąbal, the representative of Polish Communists living in USRR in interwar period. This paper contains 19 lexems. The lexical items are listed in a form of dictionary with quotes of textual illustrations and conclusions. The largest group (9 items) are outdated words in Polish Language (including 5 based on Russian). Next in the line are the ephemeral words (4 units), the lexems of unknown origin (4 units) and the regionalisms (2 units).
Joanna Joachimiak-Prażanowska: Efemerydy w „Tygodniku Ilustrowanym” (1924-1928)
Ephemeral lexical items in „Tygodnik Ilustrowany” (1924-1928)
This paper presents ephemeral lexics being in use in the interwar Polish language. The analysis has covered peculiar vocabulary noted down from the „Tygodnik Ilustrowany”, a paper published in Warsaw in the years 1924-1939. Peculiar words are listed in a form of a dictionary with quotes of textual illustrations, together with the information about those lexical items (most often scarce), given in the dictionaries of Polish. The author excerpted 27 ephemeral words. Among this lexics a significant percentage covers the borrowings from foreign languages. They are Latinisms, Gallicisms and Germanisms, which as soon as after the post-partition period were being eliminated from circulation.
Anna Paluszak-Bronka: O języku kujawskich przywoływek dyngusowych
About the language of the Dyngus Day Calls
The Dyngus Day Calls have been known on the Cuiavia region for centuries, but unfortunately they have not been described linguistically properly yet. It is a misfortune because the stricture of people who have not obeyed social and moral norms and patterns is comprised in them. It not only shows relationships within Cuiaviac countryside in those days, but also enables to know Cuiaviac dialect which has been disappearing nowadays, particularly its lexis and phraseology connected with the ritual. The aim of the article is to fill in this gap to some extent. The difference between the Cuiaviac and Wielkopolska dialects and the Polish language has been described. As far as lexis is concerned, the topics connected with the ritual (naming girls qualities and faults, and describing Dyngus Day punishment) has been researched. Such vocabulary (or its meaning) is not always specific only for Cuiavia dialect, it can also exist in others dialects and Polish language.
Lidia B. Sudakiewicz: Sposoby germanizacji nazwisk mieszkańców Złotowa i okolic
The ways of Germanisation of the surnames of the inhabitants of Złotów and the surrounding areas
The problems which are shown in the article are an attempt to show varied language phenomena which influenced the process of Germanisation of the Polish surnames of the inhabitants of Złotow (situated not far from Piła) and the surrounding areas. The definition of the surrounding areas concerns 26 villages which together with the town of Złotów constituted the two oldest, neighboring parishes: Złotów parish and Zakrzewo parish. The anthroponimic material used in this article comes from “The Dictionary of the surnames of the inhabitants of Złotów and its surroundings,” which contains 3605 items. The dictionary is based on the authentications taken from hand – written and printed sources comprising the period from the second half of 16th century to the first half of 19th century. The analysis of the collected source documents made it possible to notice and distinguish linguistic phenomena characteristic for the area in question. Discussing the ways of Germanisation of the surnames of the inhabitants of Złotów and the surrounding areas deals with the rules of making Polish – German hybrid structures and other phenomena connected with the process of morphological, phonetic-graphical, and lexical Germanisation. The linguistic issues presented in the article are illustrated with the anthroponimic material derived from the source documents.
Piotr Tomasik: Nazwy pociągów (spojrzenie językoznawcy i miłośnika kolei)
The railway names. From linguist’s and railway fan’s points of view
The railway names pose the problem more interesting and more complicated then one might expect after reading the works that has been devoted to this subject matter until now. The present paper sketches an extralinguistic background that seems to be very useful for analysis of the nominalitazation practices undertaken in the thematic domain of “railway”. The author asks some question: whose needs do the train names fulfill? What the train names are given for? Who uses them? There are unofficial names of the trains bearing the official ones; the question appears: who gives them and what for? The paper is focused on the train names, but other names (given to locomotives, railway routes etc.) are also taken into consideration. The tentative classification of them is suggested here.
II. Kronika / The Chronicle
Ewa Pogorzała: Konferencja „Quo Vadis Lingua?” 2009
III. Recenzje / The Reviews
Agnieszka Libura, Amalgamaty kognitywne w sztuce, Universitas, Kraków 2007, ss. 134 (przez A. Bączkowską)
Jacek Barański, Zum Einfluss der Verbvalenz auf die Satzgliedfolge im Deutschen und im Polnischen. Eine kontrastive Analyse, „Studien zum polnisch-deutschen Sprachvergleich“ 4, red. Antoni Dębski, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2006, ss. 202 (przez J. Pociaska)
Krzysztof Hejwowski, Kognitywno-komunikacyjna teoria przekładu, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2006, ss. 198 (przez J. Pociaska)
Ochrona języków naturalnych, red. Stanisław Puppel, Wydawnictwo UAM, Poznań 2007, ss. 333 (przez A. Bączkowską)
IV. Streszczenia prac doktorskich / The Summaries of Doctoral Dissertations
Iwona Malinowska: Wykrzykniki w języku, w tekście i w słowniku (na materiale języka rosyjskiego polskiego)
Katarzyna Maria Siewert: Semantyczna analiza terminów prawnych na przykładzie terminologii prawa handlowego Niemiecko-polskie studium kontrastywne