About journal
Nowadays, when the expressions such as „post-industrial society”, „information society”, „knowledge society” or „knowledge-based economy” stop being just slogans and become a reality, creating a platform for discussion, thought exchange, presenting the results of empirical research in the field of broadly-defined and multifaceted preparing for employment on the contemporary labour market seems to be fully justified. In the presented journal we wish to publish articles and scientific papers, research reports, reviews of interesting scientific papers, interesting practical implementations as well as reports and information about important scientific events. The journal’s form is still open and thus we are open to suggestions which will help to refine it.
The journal aims at scientific and research workers, students of pedagogical faculties as well as education and economic practitioners, interested in any subjects related to the School - Profession - Labour scope. There are two issues of the Journal published every year.
The articles are presented in four chapters:
- Articles and dissertations
- Research Reports
- Reviews
- Reports and information.
The Journal’s ISSN number is: 2082-6087.
The printed issue of the periodical is its primary version.
We are happy to announce that according to the Science and Higher Education Minister’s 18. Dec. 2015 Communiqué regarding the registry of scientific journals and the number of points granted for publishing in those journals, the School - Profession - Labour periodical published by the Labour Pedagogy and Andragogy Department, at the Pedagogy Institute, Pedagogy and Psychology Department of UKW entered the B-list of the registry, along with 6 points granted for publishing in it.
Although there are still many more points to receive - ad augusta per angusta!
We wish to thank Everyone, especially the Authors and the UKW Publishing House, for their contributions which have lead to such results of parametric evaluation.
It is our collective success!
Editorial Board’s Secretary
Renata Tomaszewska-Lipiec