World of Ideas and Politics

Volume 21, Number 1

World of Ideas and Politics

Volume 21/2022, Number 1

Table of contents

Studies and analyses

Anna Stawowska
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu
Connection between ecological awareness and environmental policy pursued in the European Union Member States on the example of Poland and Sweden

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to present the connection between ecological education offered in the country and the environmental policy which is pursued there. The research also included the actual condition of the environment. The analysis covered statistical data published by the Polish Central Statistical Office, European Union’s institutions and others, as well as reports, scientific and journalistic articles. Two of the EU member states, Poland and Sweden, made an example in the thesis. Among other things, their waste recycling level and the energy policy in these countries, including the share of renewable energy in their electricity generation, were compared. The national regulations have been compared with the standards set by the European Union. The article contains references to the most important events related to the global condition of the natural environment in the last few years, including the Paris Agreement of 2015 and other climate summits. The investigation and observations clearly show the relationship between the effectiveness and the manner of conducting activities in the political sphere and the level of ecological awareness and education of the society.
Keywords: Poland, Sweden, European Union, environmental policy, ecology, education

Daria Pilewska
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego
Shaping the idea of animal rights and animal protection policy in Europe and Poland – from homocentrism to an antianthropocentric attitude

Abstract: This article presents peregrinations deep into the epochs, to places where the ideas of animal rights, present in the consciousness of contemporary Europeans, were shaped. Despite the fact that the perception of creatures other than humans is a clear problem of modern society in Europe, the centuries-long anthropocentrism makes it difficult for the adoption of the subjectivity of animals on the political, legal and even moral level. The article is an analysis of the shaping of social and political reality in the context of perceiving animals, which is a reflection of attitudes and ideas characteristic of the period in history. The purpose of the following reflection is to indicate the reasons that make it difficult and often impossible, to introduce changes in animal protection policy both in Europe and Poland.
Due to the fact that the article is of an essay-theoretical character, the research hypothesis was abandoned, and the work was limited to the formulation of the purpose of the argument.
Keywords: animals, animal rights, welfare, bioethics, vivisection, eco-philosophy

Maciej Wójcik
Uniwersytet Szczeciński
Freedom is not just from people. Polish anarchist and leftist circles in the fight for the animal rights

Abstract: Anarchism is a set of brood doctrines, thoughts and philosophies that, despite some differences in worldview and the social, cultural and economic changes resulting from successive historical periods, still today focuses on the struggle against the social insjustices that stem from capitalism and hierarchical social structures. However contemporary schools of anarchism in their theory and practice began to operate in other fields, going beyond social problems, focusing, among others, on the fight against environmental degradation, criticism of consumerism, artistic activities to promote specific ideas.
The recognition of other problems by contemporary anarchists in the reality around them has led to the emergence of new anarchist school such as Green Anarchism and Querker Anarchism. At he turn of the XX and XXI centuries, anarchisms associated with pro-environtmental and anti-technological attitudes began to be interested in problems realated to the place of animals in capitalism, their exploitation and the lack of legal protection for represcutatives of the world of fauna.
Also the polish anarchist circles formin in the 80s and 90s of the 20 twentieth century were aware that their duty is also to fight for the improvement of conditions of animals functioning in human homes, farm and wild areas. However, in a more radical form, the struggle for animal rights was to take the form of full animal liberation (destruction of animal farms, promotion of veganism, opposition to keeping animals in zoological parks).
The aim of this article is to present the attitude towards animals and their rights, autonomy, together with the methods undertaken to improve their conditions by Polish anarchists and representatives of various left-wing circles (similar to anarchism in their outlook on the world, e. g. addressing anarchist thought in their press) achive in the years 1980–2020.
Keywords: anarchism, the liberation of animals, green anarchism, vegetarianism, direct action

Ryszard Ficek
The diocese of Rockville Center/NY
Looking the Devil in the Eyes: Totalitarianism and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński’s Humanitarian-Personalist Concept of Socio-Political Life

Abstract: This article aims to expose the specificity of the theory of totalitarianism in the context of the humanitarian-personalistic concept of the socio-political life of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. It allows for a unique insight into the nature of both totalitarian systems – both into the essence of German Nazi Hitlerism and Communism. Presenting the above issues from the point of view of personalist Christian praxeology exposes their unprecedentedly criminal tendencies. In this context, the presentation of the primary topics of the paradigm of both totalitarian systems reveals their perverse specificity as well as their anti-human and anti-Christian character. Thus, it allows one to demythologize the ideology of communism and Nazi-national socialism as well as present both concepts as degenerated “syndicate of crimes” leading to the negation of human dignity and – as a consequence – to the collapsing of humanity’s civilization as well. Moreover, it is also associated with an absolute opposition to the frequent attempts to justify, legitimize and even authenticate them in the eyes of world public opinion.
Keywords: totalitarianism, Stefan Wyszyński, fascism, Nazism, Communism, personalism

Aneta Baranowska
Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego
(De)construction of social order. The impact of social trends during the pandemic on the security of Poland

Abstract: The aim of this article is the identification and description of the key social trends which will shape the strategic environment and the security of Poland in the next few decades.
The reflections are based on the secondary analyses of existing materials. The most crucial trends occurring in the contemporary society are enumerated in the article on the basis of research reports and scientific studies. The selected ones are discussed and confirmed with statistical data. The author studies them from a local (Polish) perspective, outlining main problems, chances, challenges and threats which they bring in relation to the security of Poland.
Pandemics are one of the biggest potentially negative global risks, especially in the modern, highly globalised world. Despite the fact that the global pandemic has been the subject of general discussions as a hypothetical danger for many years, its outbreak took place when nobody was prepared for it. In the face of coronacrisis, civilizational trends take more distinctive form and become more available for description and analysis. The identified trends define the foundation of security and test the “immunity” and adaptability of modern societies and security systems. Their development brings the opportunities for innovation, but also causes that we will have to deal with risks resulting from them and adapt to new conditions.
Keywords: pandemic, society of uncertainty, social inequality, “lost generation”, middle class, digitalisation and networking, generalized anxiety, social trends, security policy

Paulina Sajna-Kosobucka
Academia Rerum Socialium of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Information architecture on websites of chosen federal American agencies: CIA, DEA, and FBI

Abstract: The purpose of this article is an attempt to verify the hypothesis that the websites of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), as modern communication technologies of federal American agencies are qualitatively good in terms of information architecture (IA) within user interface (UI). The United States is a world power and should be a model for other countries. CIA, DEA, and FBI are powerful, famous institutions, strongly promoted not only by American politics but also pop culture. Also, as these institutions are the largest world power, they have an impact on security in Poland. The high quality of federal American agencies’ websites is important to create good image of these institutions, as their activities are secret and websites are one of sparce public communication channels, necessary to stay in contact with users. The IA research (i.e. research of four systems: organizational, labeling, navigation and searching systems) is needed to check if access to information on the websites is easy enough for users and if they were designed taking into account all the principles of functionality. The research methodology includes comparative analysis and qualitative assessment of the IA and own observations. The article is characterized by a special cognitive value as to the knowledge of the author, no scientific publication has been published on this subject yet.
Keywords: CIA, DEA, FBI, IA, labeling systems, navigation systems, organizational systems, search systems

Radoslava Brhílková
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra
The need for new security architecture in Europe

Abstract: The paper discusses Russia’s position towards present day escalation of tensions in international relations and international security which may lead to the new conflict in Europe. It analyses and evaluates Russian proposals, positions and deals with the negotiations between Russia and USA that have taken place in this regard. The paper summarizes the historical facts that led to today’s escalation of tensions between Russia, the USA and Europe, and underlines the fact that dialogue requires two parties willing to listen to each other, capable of perception, which must approach it without prejudice and hegemonic, neo-colonial superiority. The paper is based on the assumption that the security architecture of 20th century Europe has collapsed and disappeared. Russia is coming up with proposals to redefine it, but the West is unable to do so because of neo-colonial superiority and arrogance and refuses to discuss it, blindly adhering to the status quo of the Cold War. That is the reason why even the Member States of the EU are not able to create real common security policy. But Europe and the world need new security architecture.
Keywords: Peace, international security, security guarantees, Russia, USA, new security architecture, 21st century

Mariusz Urban
Akademia Sztuki Wojennej
The Civil Aviation Insider Threat

Abstract: This article addresses the internal threat that threatens civil aviation. One or more persons with access to confidential information, expertise, through the exploitation of a security vulnerability may consequently lead to an act of unlawful interference. Threats against aviation change constantly in this interminable war against terrorism. Countermeasures developed to combat emergent threats will become obsolete as new threats appear. Therefore, it is imperative for security of civil aviation practitioners to stay ahead of their enemies by identifying potential threats—a task that requires imagination. The problem of internal threats depends on access to restricted areas of airports, where access to these areas is strictly controlled by security services. The starting point in the research procedure was the author’s analysis of the literature on the subject. In addition, both the talks with the practitioners of security services in the aviation organization and observation at airports, which allowed the author to formulate research goals, were not without significance.
Keywords: security, aviation organization, insider, internal threat, challenge

Jarosław Tomasiewicz
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach
Terror in a railway: case study of South-Moluccan terrorism in the Netherlands 1975–1977

Abstract: The paper examines incidents of train hijacking terrorists in the Netherlands in the 70s in the broader context of terrorism of the South Moluccan diaspora. Author’s goal is the analysis of these terrorist acts in order to evaluate the vulnerability of a rail transport in context of terrorist attacks. The method is analysis and critics of literature and media reports. The hypothesis of the paper is concludes high security vulnerability of rail transport (especially in the case of feign hostage situation).
Keywords: terrorism – nationalism – diaspora – hijacking – railway


Marek K. Jeleniewski (rev.): Maria Gołda-Sobczak Krym jako przedmiot sporu ukraińsko-rosyjskiego, Wydawnictwo naukowe Silva Rerum, Poznań 2016

Joanna Wieczorek-Orlikowska (rev.): M. Jastrzębski, W. Trempała i M. Wałdoch (red.) Utopie i dystopie: wizje polityki i ustrojów politycznych, Wydawnictwo UKW, Bydgoszcz 2021

Marcin Wałdoch (rev.): Mary E. Sarote Not One Inch. America, Russia, and the making of post-cold war stalmate, Yale University Press, New Haven&London 2021