World of Ideas and Politics

Volume 14

World of Ideas and Politics

Volume 14/2015

Table of contents

Studies and analyses

Marta Stasiak
Banality of the common good – hermeneutical study

Wojciech Szabaciuk
The representatives of the Austrian School versus importance and the role of the individual and the social cooperation in the development of the civilization

Mateusz Pazdej
The Contemporary Reception of the Class Struggle – to What Extension the Marxism Impacted on XXth-century’s Conceptions and is it Valid until Today?

Kamila Kalinowska
Contemporary extremely nationalistic discourse on the example of the French National Front and the Dutch Party for Freedom

Svitlana G. Denisiyk, Tetyana I. Neprytska
Instrumental influenceof political myths on the formation of the political and cultural space

Stanisław Lamczyk
What kind of freedom? The dilemma of democracy

Vitaliy S. Lytvyn
Efficiency and quality of democracy in comparative politics: definitive and conceptual options of analysis

Joanna Wieczorek-Orlikowska
Morality as crucial systemic operation in the theory of Niklas Luhmann

Izabela Kapsa
The weaknesses of majority voting systems . A voice in the discussion on the proposed changes in the Polish voting system

Beata Nuzzo
EU member states: a new paradigm of sovereignty? An outline of the issue

Łukasz Jureńczyk
Illusory NATO–Russia partnership during the crisis and building superpower status of the Russian Federation

Maria Ewa Szatlach
The importance of economic diplomacy in the era of globalization (the case of China)

Olga A. Smirnova
Migration processes in Sub-Saharan Africa

Robert Reczkowski
Polish Armed Forces Lessons Learned from participation in NATO missions and operations

Katarzyna Grabowska
Trying to explain the term and essence of hybrid wars

Perga Tatiana Yurievna
Environmental convergence: from the theory to practice

Jacek Piotrowski
Polish journalism towards the independence transformations in Ukraine in 1988 – 1994

Mekebaeva Maigul, Mussatayev Seylbek
Major issuesof youth policy implementation in Kazakhstan

Emil Nowakowski
Analysis and evaluation of the economic achievements of Polish in the years 1989 – 2015

Adam Gwiazda
Demographic problems of Poland

Katarzyna Zawadzka
Issues of gender in educational policy. Analysis of Polish political programs

Paulina Wenderlich
Mass culture – active consumers, passive citizens? Implications in the public sphere

Anna Święcicka
Intergenerational solidarity: anachronism or a chance for modern dimension of sustainable social responsibility?

Kamila Sierzputowska
Bydgoszcz–Torun. Historical Root Causes of Antagonisms