World of Ideas and Politics

Volume 13

World of Ideas and Politics
Volume 13/2014

Table of contents:
Studies and analysis:

  • Maciej Górecki: Open, safe and secure cyberspace - a new quality of web communication or a serious dispute over the new directive of the European Commission?
  • Małgorzata Cieślik-Florczyk: The structural analysis of the websites of the main Polish political parties Agnieszka Szuta: Social media as the ground for new social movements
  • Joanna Wieczorek: From the perspective of the voyeur - the phenomena of voyeurism in Polish media and politics
  • Jarosław Janikowski: The absurd, a provocation and a scandal as determinants of contemporary political success on the example of political activity Janusz Korwin-Mikke
  • Izabela Liczmańska: Government policy to support innovative activities of Polish companies
  • Bartosz Atroszko: The impact of school on political passivity of young people in Poland
  • Marcin Łukaszewski: In search of the European model of the political system. European monarchies in the opinions of the Venice Commission
  • Tadeusz Branecki: The development of the Swiss Confederation’s political system - historical perspective
  • Mateusz Pazdej: Understanding of war presented in tracts of Sun Tzu and Carl von Clausewitz and a possibility to use them for methodological determination of contemporary asymmetric conflicts
  • Kulkova Varvara [Кулькова Варвара Юрьевна]: Building cross-sector social partnership in Russia: species characteristic and development prospects
  • Skiperskikh Aleksandr Vladimirovich [Скиперских Александр Владимирович]: Material culture as a space of inscription for the protest letters: the political context
  • Marta Stasiak: Sprawozdanie z I Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Młodych Naukowców, Młodzi w polityce. Od kreatywnych idei do innowacyjnej partycypacji, (Bydgoszcz, 6 maja 2014 r.)
  • Paweł Malendowicz: Sprawozdanie z seminarium międzynarodowego: Społeczne oblicza Europy XXI wieku (Piła, 20-21 listopada 2014 r.)