dr Ulaszewski Bartosz KamilUdział w konferencjach naukowych

dr Ulaszewski Bartosz KamilUdział w konferencjach naukowych

2021 - "First EVOLTREE Conference 2021: Genomics and Adaptation in Forest Ecosystems” WSL Birmensdorf (Szwajcaria), poster (język angielski), pt Genomic signatures of natural selection at phenology-related genes in a widely distributed tree species Fagus sylvatica L.

2020 – “International Scientific Conference: Genetics to the rescue - Managing forests sustainably in a changing world”, Awinion (Francja), referat (język angielski), pt. Spatial genetic structure of European beech and outlier SNPs analysis of multiple European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) populations based on ddRAD analysis

2018 – “31st Conference of the Plant Population Biology Section of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ)” Innsbruck (Austria), referat (język angielski), pt. Genome-enviroment associationts and spatial genetic structure of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) populations based on ddRAD analysis.

2016 – “IUFRO Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics Conference” Arcachon (Francja), poster pt. SNP discovery and genotyping in Fagus sylvatica: comparative analysis of RAD and GBS methods. + poster pt. Using RAD sequencing to identify cpDNA polymorphisms in Fagus sylvatica.

2015 – „Ochrona Zasobów Genowych – Wyzwania Naukowe I Społeczne”, Karpacz (Polska), referat (język angielski) pt. Application of reduced genome representation sequencing methods for new SNP marker discovery in English oak (Quercus robur L.) and common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.).

2015 – “Tree Biotechnology 2015 Conference: Forest: the importance to the planet and society”, Florencja (Włochy), poster pt. Application of GBS and RADseq for discovering and genotyping of SNP polymorphisms in Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur.

2014 – “2014 IUFRO Forest Tree Breeding Conference”, Praga (Czechy), poster pt. Variation of the timing of bud burst phenology in an old-growth forest stand composed of Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur.