dr hab. Lipski Jakub PawełPublikacje
1. 2014. In Quest of the Self: Masquerade and Travel in the Eighteenth-Century Novel: Fielding, Smollett, Sterne. Amsterdam, New York: Editions Rodopi.
2. 2018. Painting the Novel: Pictorial Discourse in Eighteenth-Century English Fiction. London, New York: Routledge.
3. 2021. Re-Reading the Eighteenth-Century Novel: Studies in Reception. London, New York: Routledge.
4. 2024. Castaway Bodies in the Eighteenth-Century English Robinsonade. Boston, Leiden: Brill.
5. 2024. (oprac.) Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe. Biblioteka Narodowa. Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
Książki redagowane:
1. 2012. (z P. Scheiberem i J. Malicką) Art or Commodity. Studies on High and Popular Culture. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo UKW.
2. 2013. (z P. Schreiberem, J. Malicką) The Central and the Peripheral. Studies in Literature and Culture. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
3. 2015. (z W. Jasiakiewiczem) John Bull and the Continent. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
4. 2015. (z J. Mydlą) The Enchantress of Words, Sounds and Images: Anniversary Essays on Ann Radcliffe (1764-1823). Bethesda, Dublin, Palo Alto: Academica Press.
5. 2018. Travel and Identity. Cham: Springer.
6. 2020. Rewriting Crusoe: The Robinsonade across Languages, Culture, and Media. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press.
7. 2021. (z J. Maciulewicz) Neo-Georgian Fiction: Reimagining the Eighteenth Century in the Contemporary Historical Novel. London, New York: Routledge.
8. 2023. (z L. Wiśniewską) Olga Tokarczuk: Comparative Perspectives. London, New York: Routledge.
9. 2024. (z M-C. Newbould) The Edinburgh Companion to the Eighteenth-Century British Novel and the Arts. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Redagowane numery czasopism:
"Horace Walpole". Image [&] Narrative 18.3, 2017.
"Visual poetics". The Nordic Journal of English Studies 17.1, 2018.
"Robinsonada a komparatystyka" (z P. Gillem i M. Kopf). Porównania 25, 2019.
"Sociability and the Discourses of Nature in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture" (z T. Adamczewskim i K. Woodem). Literature & History 32.2, 2023.
"Configurations of Friday's Body" (z P. Gillem). The Nordic Journal of English Studies, 2024.
Artykuły i rozdziały w monografiach:
1. 2009. „Intertekstualność wobec syntezy sztuk. O Moulin Rouge Baza Luhrmanna”, [w:] M. Gombrowicz, M. Macko (red.), Materiały I Kongresu studenckich kół naukowych uczelni bydgoskich „Studenci Miastu i Regionowi”, Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo UKW 2009, s. 80-84.
2. 2010. „Ikonografia heroikomiczna w Hogarthowskich ilustracjach do Hudibrasa Samuela Butlera”, Artifex. Pismo młodych historyków i krytyków sztuki, nr 12, s. 4-10.
3.2010. “Moral Implications of the Journey to the Other World. Henry Fielding’s A Journey from this World to the Next”, [w:] J. Sztachelska, G. Moroz (red.), Metamorphoses of Travel Writing; Across Theories, Genres and Literary Traditions, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, s. 156-164.
4. 2010. “Intertextual Strategies and the Reader(s) in Fielding's Amelia”, [w:] G. Bystydzieńska, E. Harris (red.), From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 2, Warszawa: Ośrodek Studiów Brytujskich, s. 263-270.
5. 2011. “Modern Quixotism and the Quest for Truth. Graham Greene's Monsignor Quixote, [w:] P. Schreiber (red.), Into the Past, Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo UKW, s. 139-146.
6. 2011. “Dressing Across Cultures: Multicultural Masquerade in Roxana and Sir Charles Grandison”, [w:] M. Bednarz, W. Jurkiewicz (red.), Jeden świat, wiele kultur: refleksje nad kulturowymi aspektami globalizacji, Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Kujawsko-Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej, s. 149-155.
7. 2011. “Crossing the Boundaries of the Self: The Masquerade Scene in Tom Jones”, [w:] G. Bystydzieńska (red.), The New Review. An International Journal of British Studies. Vol. 3, s. 39-47.
8. 2012. “The Face as Mask in Fielding’s Joseph Andrews and Tom Jones”, [w:] G. Bystydzieńska, E. Harris (red.), From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 3, Warszawa: Ośrodek Studiów Brytyjskich, s. 309-315.
9. 2014. “Bodily Spectacle and the “Curse” of Travelling in Henry Fielding’s The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon”, [w:] G. Bystydzieńska, E. Harris (red.), From Queen Anne to Queen Victoria. Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture. Vol. 4, Warszawa: Ośrodek Studiów Brytyjskich, s.305-313.
10. 2014. "Spectres of Catholicism: Ghostly Presence in Ann Radcliffe's The Italian", [w:] The New Review. An International Journal of British Studies. Vol. 4, s. 61-74.
11. 2015. "Radcliffe's capricci: The Prisons of the Inquisition in The Italian", [w:] W. Jasiakiewicz, J. Lipski (red.) John Bull and the Continent. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, s. 197-213.
12. 2015. "Ann Radcliffe and the Sister Arts Ideal", [w:] J. Lipski, J. Mydla (red.) The Enchantress of Words, Sounds and Images: Anniversary Essays on Ann Radcliffe (1764-1823). Bethesda, Dublin, Palo Alto: Academica Press, s. 3-20.
13. 2015. "The Masquerade in Ann Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho and The Italian", [w:] Women's Writing. Vol. 22.3, s. 331-342.
14. 2015. "The Masquerade Metaphor and the Paradoxes of Sentiment in A Sentimental Journey”, [w:] P. de Voogd, J. Hawley, M. New (red.), Sterne, Tristram, Yorick: Tercentenary Essays on Laurence Sterne, Newark: The University of Delaware Press, s. 187-199.
15. 2015. "Too much for Nature": Laurence Sterne's Continuation of the Bramine's Journal and the Language of Theatre", [w:] The New Review. An International Journal of British Studies. Vol. 5.
16. 2016. Poland’s Finest Sternean: Izabela Czartoryska as Reader and Promoter of Sterne, [w:] The Shandean. Vol. 27, s. 9-25.
17. 2016. “Painted in its Low-Priz’d Colours”: Daniel Defoe’s Roxana and the art of painting”, [w:] G. Bystydzieńska, E. Harris (red.) From Queen Ann to Queen Victoria: Readings in 18th and 19th century British literature and culture, vol. 5. Warszawa: Pracownia “Ośrodek Studiów Brytyjskich”, s. 253-264.
18. 2016. Guido’s ‘Heads’ and Sentimental Fiction from Sterne to Radcliffe, [w:] G. Bystydzieńska (red.) Things and Images in 18th and 19th century British literature, Warszawa: Pracownia “Ośrodek Studiów Brytyjskich”, s. 181-196.
19. 2016. “Wiek przebrania” w powieściach historycznych Petera Ackroyda, [w:] Porównania. Czasopismo poświęcone zagadnieniom komparatystyki literackiej oraz studiom interdyscyplinarnym, XIX, s. 69-83.
20. 2017. “A Diffused Picture”: William Hogarth and Tobias Smollett’s Theory of the Novel, [w:] Aleksandra Kędzierska, Anna Kędra-Kardela, Magdalena Pypeć (red.) Studies in English Literature and Culture: Festschrift in Honour of Professor Grażyna Bystydzieńska. Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS, s. 145–154.
21. 2017. Moving Pictures: The Animated Portrait in The Castle of Otranto and the Post-Walpolean Gothic, [w:] Image [&] Narrative 18.3, s. 64-79.
22. Introduction: Horace Walpole at 300, [w:] Image [&] Narrative 18.3, 2017, s. 1-4.
23. Travellers, Connoisseurs and Britons: Art commentaries and national identity in the travel writings of Daniel Defoe and Tobias Smollett [w:] Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 52.3, 2017, s. 363-375.
24. Gothic Fielding? Philip James de Loutherbourg’s Tom Jones. [w:] Porównania. Czasopismo poświęcone zagadnieniom komparatystyki literackiej oraz studiom interdyscyplinarnym XXI, 2017, s. 259-267.
25. Teodor Szacki, [w:] Eric Sandberg (red.) 100 Greatest Literary Detectives. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2018, s. 178-180.
26. Eberhard Mock, [w:] Eric Sandberg (red.) 100 Greatest Literary Detectives. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2018, s. 132-134.
27. Travel and Identity: An Introduction [w:] Jakub Lipski (red.) Travel and Identity: Studies in Literature, Culture and Language. Cham: Springer, 2018, s. 1-7.
28. The Perils of Aesthetic Pleasure in Ann Radcliffe's The Romance of the Forest and The Mysteries of Udolpho [w:] The Nordic Journal of English Studies, 17.1, 2018, s. 120-134.
29. The Masquerade in Ann Radcliffe's "The Mysteries of Udolpho" and "The Italian" [w:] Andrew Smith, Mark Bennett (red.) Locating Ann Radcliffe. London: Routlege, 2019, s. 50-61.
30. Sterne/Yorick, the sentimental traveller and contemporary travel writing studies: problematising the critical afterlife of "A Sentimental Journey" [w:] Porównania. Czasopismo poświęcone zagadnieniom komparatystyki literackiej oraz studiom interdyscyplinarnym, 24, 2019, s. 227-238.
31. Picturing Crusoe's Island: Defoe, Rousseau, Stothard [w:] Porównania. Czasopismo poświęcone zagadnieniom komparatystyki literackiej oraz studiom interdyscyplinarnym, 25, 2019, s. 85-99.
32. Setting the Scene for the Polish Robinsonade: The Adventures of Mr. Nicholas Wisdom (1776) by Ignacy Krasicki and the Early Reception of Robinson Crusoe in Poland, 1769–1775 [w:] Jakub Lipski (red.) Rewriting Crusoe: The Robinsonade across Languages, Cultures, and Media. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2020, s. 52-64.
33. Sir John Fielding (1721-1780) we współczesnym kryminale anglojęzycznym [w:] Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich, 63.3, 2020, s. 89-99.
34. Robinson Crusoe: Speech, Conversation, Sociability [w:] Sebastian Domsch, Mascha Hansen (red.), British Sociability in the European Enlightenment: Cultural Practices and Sociable Encounters. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, s. 187-201.
35. "Ciry of Crime" [w:] Litteraria Copernicana, 21.3, 2021, s. 171-173.
36. "Defoe, Cities, and the Plague" [w:] Jeremy Tambling (red.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
37. (z J. Maciulewicz) "Delineating the Neo-Georgian" [w:] Jakub Lipski, Joanna Maciuewicz (red.), Neo-Georgian Fiction. London, New York: Routledge, 2021, s. 1-9.
38. "Meta-Pictorial Discourse and the Early Theory of the Novel in Eighteenth-Century Britain" [w:] Word & Image, 37.4, 2021, s. 383-389.
39. "Peter Ackroyd's Neo-Georgian Fiction: Reconstructing 'the Age of Disguise'" [w:] Jakub Lipski, Joanna Maciuewicz (red.), Neo-Georgian Fiction. London, New York: Routledge, 2021, s. 10-22.
40. "Two Satyrs Against Travelling: The Arts and the Grand Tour in Peregrine Pickle, Vol. 2, and Tristram Shandy, Vol. 7" [w:] The Shandean 33, 2022, s. 133-147.
41. "Studies in the English-language Robinsonade at the Crusoe tercentenary" [w:] Literature Compass, 2022, art. no e12678.
42. "Robert Paltock, The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins (1751)" [w:] Katrin Berndt, Alessa Johns (red.), Handbook of the British Novel in the Long Eighteenth Century, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2022, s. 243-258.
43. "Masquerades in London", The Digital Encyclopedia of British Sociability in the Long Eighteenth Century, 2022.
44. (z M-C. Newbould), "Interpretation, Commercialisation, and Eighteenth-Century Frontispieces: Tobias Smollett" [w:] English Studies, 2023.
45. "Three Mid-Eighteenth-Century Mash-Ups: Hybridity and Conflicted Discourse in Robert Paltock's "Peter Wilkins" and its Early Imitations" [w:] 1650-1850. Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era 28, 2023, s. 119-139.
46. (z T. Adamczewskim i K. Woodem) "Sociability and the Discourses of Nature in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture" [w:] Literature & History 32.2, 2023.
47. (z M-C. Newbould) "The Eighteenth-Century British Novel and the Arts" [w:] Jakub Lipski, M-C. Newbould (red.), The Edinburgh COmpanion to the Eighteenth-Century British Novel and the Arts, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2024.
48. "Stories behind Pictures: Reconstructing a Pre-History of Horace Walpole's The Castle of Otranto" [w:] Jakub Lipski, M-C. Newbould (red.), The Edinburgh COmpanion to the Eighteenth-Century British Novel and the Arts, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2024.
49. "Configurations of Friday's Body in the 1750s Robinsonade" [w:] The Nordic Journal of English Studies, 2024.
50. "The Pictorial Parallel and the Early Histories of Eighteenth-Century Fiction" [w:] Neil Murphy, W. Michelle Wang, Cheryl Julia Lee (red.) The Routledge Companion to Literature and Art. London, New York: Routledge, 2024, s. 326-336.