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Publikacje naukowe:
- Meger, J., Ulaszewski, B., Pałucka, M., Kozioł, C., & Burczyk, J. (2024). Genomic prediction of resistance to Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) populations. Evolutionary Applications, 17(5), e13694.
- Meger, J., Kozioł, C., Pałucka, M., Burczyk, J., & Chybicki, I. J. (2024). Genetic resources of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) in Poland. BMC Plant Biology, 24(1), 186.
- Meger, J., Ulaszewski, B., Chmura, D. J., & Burczyk, J. (2024). Signatures of local adaptation to current and future climate in phenology-related genes in natural populations of Quercus robur. BMC genomics, 25(1), 78.
- Mishra, B., Ulaszewski, B., Meger, J., Aury, J. M., Bodénès, C., Lesur-Kupin, I., Pfenninger, M., Da Silva, C., Gupta, D.K., Guichoux, E., Heer, K., Lalanne, C., Labadie, K., Opgenoorth, L., Ploch, S., Le Provost, G., Salse, J., Scotti, I., WotzeL, S., Plomion, Ch., Burczyk, & Thines, M. (2022). A chromosome-level genome assembly of the European beech (Fagus sylvatica) reveals anomalies for organelle DNA integration, repeat content and distribution of SNPs. Frontiers in genetics, 12, 691058.
- Przybylski, P., Tereba, A., Meger, J., Szyp-Borowska, I., & Tyburski, Ł. (2022). Conservation of Genetic Diversity of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in a Central European National Park Based on cpDNA Studies. Diversity, 14(2), 93.
- Ulaszewski, B., Meger, J., Mishra, B., Thines, M., Burczyk, J. (2021). Complete Chloroplast Genomes of Fagus sylvatica L. Reveal Sequence Conservation in the Inverted Repeat and the Presence of Allelic Variation in NUPTs. Genes, 12(9), 1357.
- Meger, J., Ulaszewski, B., Burczyk, J. (2021). Genomic signatures of natural selection at phenology-related genes in a widely distributed tree species Fagus sylvatica L. BMC genomics, 22(1), 1-20.
- Mishra, B., Ulaszewski, B., Meger, J., Ploch, S., Burczyk, J., Thines, M. (2021). A Comparison of Three Circular Mitochondrial Genomes of Fagus sylvatica from Germany and Poland Reveals Low Variation and Complete Identity of the Gene Space. Forests, 12(5), 571.
- Ulaszewski, B., Meger, J., Burczyk, J. (2021). Comparative Analysis of SNP Discovery and Genotyping in Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus robur L. Using RADseq, GBS, and ddRAD Methods. Forests 2021, 12, 222.
- Meger, J., Ulaszewski, B., Vendramin, G. G., Burczyk, J. (2019). Using reduced representation libraries sequencing methods to identify cpDNA polymorphisms in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L). Tree Genetics & Genomes, 15(1), 7.
- Mishra, B., Gupta, D. K., Pfenninger, M., Hickler, T., Langer, E., Nam, B., Paule, J., Sharma, R., Ulaszewski, B., Warmbier, J., Burczyk, J., Thines, M. (2018). A reference genome of the European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Gigascience, 7(6), giy063.
- Jankowska-Wroblewska, S., Warmbier, J., Burczyk, J. (2016). Spatial genetic structure within populations of Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz: comparative analysis of the self-incompatibility locus and nuclear microsatellites. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica, 58(1).