dr Chen Li-ChiPublikacje
(A) 期刊論文 (Refereed Journal Articles)
Ledzińska, Dominika, and Li-Chi Chen. 2024. The linguistic landscape of Taiwan LGBT+ Pride 2019. [Special Issue: Narrating Asia Multimodally]. Image [&] Narrative 25(3): 7-40.
Chen, Li-Chi, and Matthew M. Mucha. 2024. Narrating Asia multimodally: An introduction. [Special Issue: Narrating Asia Multimodally]. Image [&] Narrative 25(3): 1-6.
Chen, Li-Chi, and Ivan Chornyi. 2024. Making fun of power: Analyzing humor and irony in memes about Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. Socjolingwistyka 38: 29-49.
Chen, Li-Chi. 2023. ‘Smash this sissy boy’s mouth, Cuiguo!’: Framing and humor in gay Taiwanese YouTubers’ self-disclosures about being bullied. Discourse & Communication 17(2): 135-154.
Chen, Li-Chi. 2022. Humour and teasing in gay Taiwanese men’s mediatised interaction on an LGBTQ-oriented YouTube entertainment variety show. Gender and Language 16(4): 408-434.
羅彤羽 (Justyna Stefańska), and 陳力綺 (Li-Chi Chen). 2022. 當代臺灣社群媒體上的抱怨行為研究:多模態言談分析視角 (Taiwanese complaining behaviors on a modern social media networking site: A multimodal discourse analysis). 華文世界 (The World of Chinese Language) 130: 211-240.
Chen, Li-Chi, and Eryk Hajndrych. 2021. Comicbook characters’ facial features and actions and movements as two sources of humour: The case of Fullmetal Alchemist. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 12(5): 1048-1065.
Chen, Li-Chi, Anna Sroka-Grądziel, Fu-Lan Lee, and Eryk Hajndrych. 2021. Wit and humor in Chinese characters: A socio-cultural and historical perspective. Socjolingwistyka 35: 41–54.
Chen, Li-Chi, and Eryk Hajndrych. 2021. Humour through the visual narrative of comicbook characters’ emotional states: Analysing Fullmetal Alchemist. Image [&] Narrative 22(2): 131–150.
Chen, Li-Chi, and Khrystyna Hertsiuk. 2021. Product promotional strategies on a Chinese online shopping website: The multimodal fusion model. The Gdańsk Journal of East Asian Studies 19: 132–151.
Chen, Li-Chi. 2018. When a man’s lack of masculinity becomes the source of funniness: Some evidence from humor in Taiwanese media discourse. The Journal of Chinese Sociolinguistics 27: 97–117.
陳淑芬 (Shu-Fen Chen), and 陳力綺 (Li-Chi Chen). 2017. 現代漢語否定詞「不」和「沒」的句法、語意和言談/語用特點及其教學應用 (On the syntactic, semantic and discourse-pragmatic features of modern Mandarin negators ‘bù’ and ‘méi’ and their pedagogical implications). University System of Taiwan Working Papers in Linguistics 9: 189–202.
Chen, Li-Chi. 2016. Laughter, smiling and their pragmatic/interpersonal functions: An interactional linguistic account. Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 42(2): 135–168.
Chen, Li-Chi. 2016. A socio-pragmatic analysis of wúlítóu ‘nonsense’ in Taiwanese verbal interactions. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 12(1): 53–76.
陈力绮 (Li-Chi Chen). 2012. 台湾华语饮食譬喻透视 (A study of food metaphors in Taiwan Mandarin). 中国社会语言学 (The Journal of Chinese Sociolinguistics) 17: 79–95.
陈淑芬 (Shu-Fen Chen), and 陈力绮 (Li-Chi Chen). 2012. “爱就宅一起!”–台湾‘宅’类新词语透视 (“Love is to zhái (宅) together!”: A study of the neologism ‘zhái’ in Taiwan Mandarin). 中国社会语言学 (The Journal of Chinese Sociolinguistics) 16: 72–82.
Chen, Shu-Fen, and Li-Chi Chen. 2011. What animals reveal about grammar and culture: A study of animal metaphors in Mandarin Chinese and English. Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature 56(2): 121–152.
(B) 特刊編輯 (Edited Journal Special Issues)
Chen, Li-Chi, and Matthew M. Mucha (eds.). 2024. [Special Issue: Narrating Asia Multimodally]. Image [&] Narrative 25(3).
(C) 專書評論(Book Reviews)
Chen, Li-Chi. 2024. [Milner Davis, Jessica (ed.). 2022. Humour in Asian Cultures: Tradition and Context. London/New York, NY: Routledge.] Tertium Linguistic Journal 9(1): 304–309.
Chen, Li-Chi. 2024. [Lent, John A. 2023. Asian Political Cartoons. Jackson, MS: The University Press of Mississippi.] Image [&] Narrative 25(1): 150–152.
Hsu, Ting-Ting Christina, Li-Chi Chen, and Michał Janowski. 2023. [Panther, Klaus-Uwe. 2022. Introduction to Cognitive Pragmatics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.] Review of Cognitive Linguistics 21(2): 602–612.
Chen, Li-Chi. 2023. [Mullany, Louise and Schnurr, Stephanie (eds.). 2022. Globalisation, Geopolitics, and Gender in Professional Communication. New York, NY: Routledge.] Contrastive Pragmatics: A Cross-Disciplinary Journal. [online first].
(D) 專書 (Books)
Chen, Li-Chi, and Eryk Hajndrych (eds.). (in preparation) Contemporary Studies in Chinese Languages, Literature, and Culture Vol. 2. Bydgoszcz: Kazimierz Wielki University Press.
Chen, Li-Chi, and Wei-lun Lu (eds.). (in preparation) Signs of Conflict: Multimodal Dimensions (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Rowlett, Benedict J. L., Pavadee Saisuwan, Christian Go, Li-Chi Chen, and Mie Hiramoto. 2025. Pride in Asia: Negotiating Ideologies, Localness, and Alternative Futures (Cambridge Elements in Language, Gender and Sexuality). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chen, Li-Chi, and Anna Sroka-Grądziel (eds.). 2022. Contemporary Studies in Chinese Languages, Literature, and Culture Vol. 1. Bydgoszcz: Kazimierz Wielki University Press. [Book Review by Dominik Duda in Studia Orientalia Slovaca 22(1): 75-78, 2023]
Chen, Li-Chi. 2017. Taiwanese and Polish Humor: A Socio-Pragmatic Analysis. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [Book Review by Konrad Magdziarz in European Journal of Humour Research 7(1): 128-131, 2019]
(E) 專書論文 (Book Chapters)
Chen, Li-Chi, and Eryk Hajndrych. (in preparation) Disclosing interpersonal conflicts on Facebook: Khàupē as a new form of complaining in Taiwan. In: Li-Chi Chen and Wei-lun Lu (eds.) Signs of Conflict: Multimodal Dimensions (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Chen, Li-Chi, and Wei-lun Lu. 2024. (in preparation) Researching signs of conflict from multimodal dimensions: An introduction. In: Li-Chi Chen and Wei-lun Lu (eds.) Signs of Conflict: Multimodal Dimensions (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Chen, Li-Chi, and Anna Sroka-Grądziel. 2022. Introduction: Chinese studies in the recent decade and in the post-pandemic, wartime era. In: Li-Chi Chen and Anna Sroka-Grądziel (eds.) Contemporary Studies in Chinese Languages, Literature, and Culture Vol. 1, pp. 9–16. Bydgoszcz: Kazimierz Wielki University Press.
Chen, Li-Chi. 2008. “You’ve got a bad neighbor!”: Personification metaphors in the 2004 political debates on Taiwan’s peace referendum. In: Marek Kuczyński and Joanna Zawodniak (eds.) Language, Thought and Education Vol. 1, pp. 43–69. Zielona Góra: The University of Zielona Góra Press.
Murphey, Tim, Jin Chen, and Li-Chi Chen. 2005. Learners’ constructions of identities and imagined communities. In: Phil Benson and David Nunan (eds.) Learners’ Stories: Difference and Diversity in Language Learning, pp. 83–100. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
(F) 會議論文集論文 (Publications in Conference Proceedings)
Chen, Li-Chi, and Eryk Hajndrych. 2019. Violating politeness maxims as a means to construct humor: Some evidence from Polish media discourse. In: Darija Omrčen and Ana-Marija Krakić (eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of the Association of LSP Teachers at Higher Education Institutions: From Theory to Practice in Language for Specific Purposes, pp. 7–18. Zagreb: Association of LSP Teachers at Higher Education Institutions.
Chen, Li-Chi. 2006. First-person pronouns in Chinese political discourse: A study of political interviews, public speeches, and political debates. In: Ping-Nan Chang (ed.) Proceedings of Hsing Kuo University of Management Conference on English Language Studies Vol. 2, pp. 111– 136. Taipei: Taiwan ELT Publishing.
Chen, Li-Chi. 2004. On argument-adjunct asymmetry of sluicing in Mandarin Chinese. In: Hiroshi Masuichi, Tomoko Ohkuma, Kiyoshi Ishikawa, Yasunari Harada, and Kei Yoshimoto (eds.) Proceedings of the 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, pp. 227–234. Tokyo: Waseda University.
(G) 學位論文 (Thesis and Dissertation)
Chen, Li-Chi. 2016. A Socio-Pragmatic Analysis of Taiwanese and Polish Humor: Casual Conversations and Television Variety Shows. Doctoral dissertation. Department of Pragmatics, The University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland.
Chen, Li-Chi. 2007. A Study of First-Person Pronouns in Chinese Political Discourse. M.A. thesis. Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
(H) 非學術論文 (Non-Academic Articles)
陳力綺 (Li-Chi Chen). 2005年盛夏來時路:賀世華50綠蔭不減添得黃鸝(Recalling the summer in 2005: A tribute to the 50th anniversary of the World Chinese Language Association). 華文世界 (The World of Chinese Language) 130: 50.
陳力綺 (Li-Chi Chen), 蘇爾 (Anna Sroka-Grądziel), and 林滄海 (Eryk Hajndrych). 2021. 波蘭境內大學的華語教學現況、困境與未來發展:以卡基米日維爾基大學之俄、中文學程為例 (Teaching Chinese as a foreign language in Poland: Its current situation, challenges, and future perspectives. A case of the Russian-Chinese dual-languages program at Casimir the Great University in Bydgoszcz, Poland). 華文世界 (The World of Chinese Language) 127: 131–140.
(I) 翻譯 (Translations)
林滄海 (Eryk Hajndrych)、陳力綺 (Li-Chi Chen) 譯。《蝸牛小ㄕㄢ是男生或女生?》。台北:玉山社。2018年10月。[Guāniú Xiǎoshān Shì Nánshēng Huò Nǚshēng? Taipei: Taiwan Interminds Publishing, Inc.] [Maria Pawłowska, Jakub Szamałek, and Katarzyna Bogucka. 2015. Kim Jest Ślimak Sam? Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej.]
(J) 專欄文章 (Columns)
2022.03.01 從烏、俄戰爭想想台灣
2021.05.25 波蘭疫情期間的「新常態」
2020.12.10 距離就是一種美的波蘭師生關係
2020.10.31 波蘭禁墮胎釋憲風暴
2020.05.22 那年冬天,我在波蘭玩寶可夢
2020.04.21 波蘭不只有蕭邦,還有波蘭陶!
2019.04.17 罷工的波蘭醫護人員與中小學教師
2019.01.24 吃完飯要續攤,就去小酒館吧!
2018.11.23 關於同志議題及婚姻平權,波蘭的年輕人是怎麼想的?
2018.07.09 在波蘭什麼事都有可能發生,火車上也不例外
2018.05.13 花是奢侈品還是生活必需品?
2018.04.08 我在波蘭喝的不是咖啡,是悠閒
2018.02.11 當讓位成了無壓力的習慣後,博愛座也只是一般的座位罷了