dr Trempała WojciechEnglish

dr Trempała WojciechEnglish

dr Trempała Wojciech - English

MA in Political Science (2008 – Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz) and PhD in Sociology (2017 – Silesian University in Katowice) His research interests include relationship between political preferences, perception of security threats, values and aspirations of the youth and young adults and environmental awareness of these groups, as well as sociopolitical impact of global environmental crisis in arts and culture. From december 2013 he is a member of Departament of Sustainable Development (Kazimierz Wielki University), from 2017 he is working there as an assistant professor, and from october 2020 he is an acting director of department (in temporary replacement). As an academic teacher he lectured in subject such as, i. e.: The Introduction To Environmental Security, Global Ecological Security, Sustainable Development Policy, Ecological Organizations and Green Social Movements, Innovations for Sustainable Development. It is worth emphasis that from October 2019 he is a Vice-Dean For Education in Political Science and Administration Faculty.