Limeryk 2013 - głosowanie

Na limeryki można głosować między 17 a 24 maja, wystarczy przesłać e-maila:, głosujący może oddać jeden głos (nalezy podać imię, nazwisko, kierunek studiów, wydział).

27 maja 2013 zostanie ogłoszony zwycięzca konkursu.

 Wszystkie szczegóły dotyczące konkursu znajdują się w Regulaminie oraz na stronie konkursu.

Poniżej lista nadesłanych limeryków, oczywiście anonimowo. Dla porządku należy przypomnieć, iż limeryki przedstawione są w wersji oryginalnej (ortografia, interpunkcja, gramatyka). Trzeba także nadmienić, iż cztery linijki limeryku nr 27 to nie błąd kopisty, a licentia poetica autora.

Wszystkim uczestnikom wielkie  dzięki!

Zatem czytajmy i głosujmy!


Angry Birds' is my favourite game,
Without it the world wouldn't be the same.
When I play in 'Angry Birds' during free time at university,
I feel this atmosphere like in the big city.
Now a lot of people love 'Angry Birds' and it has international fame


„To rhyme”
Since the action of poem takes place in Bydgoszcz,
I tried to find rhyme, that isn't a tosh,
But as my head turned red,
my cat meowed and said:
"If you rhymed this word, I would eat a galosh".


I am superior to the other seamen, some
Would say there is no one to overcome
My fencing and drinking outstanding skills
And others' pirates' birds feel but chills
When they hear me calling: swallow, come!


A student from UKW, who was very ambitious,
tried to write a poem combining utterances which were too luscious.
She cudgels  her head and flexes her muscles
but words don’t collocate as easy as the puzzles.
At the end, she dots last full stop fulfilling her wishes.


I was seeying my boy everyday,
And begging if he could stay.
He was saying 'no'
And I didn't know
About his wife far away.


There once was a young girl named Sue,
who always wore only one shoe.
Now she wants to show off,
but one shoe still falls off.
So she must use a very strong glue.


On a meadow there was a cow
whos milk instead of white was brown
The furious farmer called for a vet
who after a long examination said
to worry not, it's the best cocoa now


"A young boy named Dick"
There once was a young boy named Dick
who danced in the club like a prick.
He cried under stress
he came to strong Rick for a kick.


There was a young lady named Sue,
Who had a contagious flu,
She stayed in her bed,
And called to fat Fred,
But he was then stuck in a queue.


There once was an Old Man, named Jeff
Who worked at a restaurant as chef
So he ate too quick
And had a lot in his cheek
And this made Old Jeff choke to death


There was a Young Lady called Jane
Who was a daughter of Blaine.
She was very brave
So she moved to the cave.
And this was the story of Jane.


There once was a fellow named Nick,
who wanted to reach a high peak.
But his funny cough
made him cry and laugh.
He fell down a chasm from the peak


Once said a strange guy from Norway:
“I’m sure I’ll be dead by Monday!”
He stayed up all week
Thinking: “What a cheek!”
Eventually, he hit the hay.


There once was a young man named Dick
Whose legs were too short and too weak.
He wanted to dance
But did not stand a chance
And so from the dance hall was kicked.


Not sure if you heard about Kate,
Who once stole a flavoured beer crate.
She brought it back home
And when left alone
She drank it and boy it felt great!


There was an old fella from China
Who named his daughter Vagina.
He surely knew not
Whether she would be hot,
Our Lady Vagina of China.


There once was a fellow named Jack
Who spent every break eating snack
His friends laughed at that
And he quickly grew fat
So his belly at last got a crack!


There was a young lady named Hannah
Whose passion was eating banana
One day she felt ill
But she loved them still
It was big queen Hannah from Panama


The linguistics studies are so bloody great
That all we feel for them is sorry and hate
And no one knows why
They make us all cry
And we`re afraid we won`t graduate


There was a young fellow named Ben.
Who couldn't count sheeps to more than ten.
But one day he fell asleep,
And it was a big leap,
Which allowed young Ben to overcome ten.


The Hysteric Cleric
Some say that in Dublin lives cleric,
Who might be described as hysteric:
Enraged by churchgoer
Roars like old lawn mower,
Which does not seem truly angelic.


I have a friend named Joanna
Everywhere she goes she takes a banana
She`s always hungry
which makes her angry
And all this wearin a bloody pijama.


There once was a brave guy called Dave
Who often would go to Stone Cave
He made there loud voice
And then heard a voice
“It’s high time for Dave to be brave!”


There once was a woman with a case,
Who took this case to every place,
She walked across the city,
And talked to every kitty,
For dwellers she was a curious case.


One day at the Uni of Casimir the Great
Its rulers announced “we'll have you all Partake!”
They cancelled a whole bunch of Classes,
Hassled students (not) to go to Masses,
The young answered shrewdly “screw this stupid Dictate.”


There once was a girl named Sue,
On Monday her face turned blue.
She washed it every day,
it got worse and turned grey!
She knew the truth - it wasn't flu.


There one was a smiling face guy
Who wanted to make apple pie
The apples were wormy
He fell down and started to cry


To the house of lady potato goes cush-cush,
Waits for a moment and pushes bell push,
“You love me, my ducky!”
“No, you are just lucky,
That a bird in a hand is worth two in the bush!’


One day there was on a path a small ladybird
That still complained about her wide girth
Instead of eating only a few chosen insects
She was nuts about all surrounding her pests
One conclusion-do not be a bundle of nerves.


There was Young Lady from Gdansk
Who was learning Arabic language and cried:
“This language is so hard
Sometimes I feel like a retard”
This devastated Lady from Gdansk


If you want to fly high
And to reach the bluish sky
Do not be a quitter
Who looks for a sitter
Just you have to try!


"There once was a boy named Michael,
Whose will was to always recycle,
He took all the trash,
So as to save cash,
That thrifty young boy named Michael"


There was an actor who wanted  to shine,
And maffick each performance with  wine.
Yet when he shot to fame,
All he did was complain,
That stardom takes too much of his time.


The University in Grabowa Street is regarded to be yucky,
But even so all our wise students  feel here very lucky.
Although examination period draws near,
They are breathing the disco atmosphere.
And they are described as fast, furious and plucky.


There one was a black boy named Seam,
Who always has had the same dream.
He bleached his black face,
so as to change race.
So that he could play in our team.


There was a village named Keep Calm
Where people lying under the palm
They were so happy
Don’t make it snappy
for one’s soul it was like a balm.


A riddle
for certain a frog they don't call him
as well as his name isn't Kim
he does not work at night
and he knows what is fright
the swimmer's his name so he swim