Konkurs: głosuj na angielskie limeryki
Dziękujemy wszystkim uczestnikom konkursu za przesłanie limeryków. Głosujemy (do 25 maja włącznie) na 1 limeryk podając jego numer z listy. Maile podpisujemy swoim nazwiskiem z podaniem kierunku, roku i grupy. Adres do głosowania: limeryk.2014@gmail.com. Drugi etap konkursu to głosowanie, które trwa od 13 do 25 maja. 27 maja poznamy zwycięzcę i najlepszy limeryk. Na autora najlepszego limeryka i głosujących czekają nagrody!
Poniżej konkursowe limeryki:
There once was a young boy called Mike
Who learned how to ride on a bike
He broke many bones
Falling over some stones
And that was the story of Mike
One day a forgetful woman from Spain
made a parachute jump with her friend - Jane.
While falling down pretty fast
they didn’t know to the last
that they’d left their parachutes on the plane.
There was Lolita with eyes like an ocean
Whose heart was broken of awkward devotion
So once she got high
And thought she could fly
But died with no wings but of hidden emotions
There was a pretty lady from Spain
Who was afraid to get on the train
She had a motion sickness
So she opened a business
She was selling drugs on the big pain
There once was a very rich king,
Whose daughter wanted a nose ring;
He refused her quite coldly,
But she did it so boldly,
That he could not get over it till spring.
Once in a forest there was a deer
That found a barrel and drank the beer
Then he fell in love
In a pretty turtledove
But he flew away for his song premiere
There was an old beau named Rourke
Who looked tall and thin like a stork.
When asked if married,
He looked quite harried,
Said ‘I'm visiting strip clubs in York’.
There was a clever boy named Dick
who tried to write a limerick
the limerick had sense
so he didn't get a pence
and he died under the red brick.
Looking slammin' in Lanvin,
There's has to be one Landin
Come girl, that's your chance
To having the best Juvenal dance
After this, exams with adrenalin.
Once there was a small doggy
Who was scared cos it was foggy
He couldn’t see a thing
And heard horrible ping
But it was just a cat called Moggy.
There was a guy from New York
And once, when he went to work
Someone stole his spoon
And lunchtime came soon
Well, he ate his soup with a fork.
There was one man in my town
Who used to wear a crown
But he lost it one day
And then found it in May
But it turned from gold to brown
There once was a man teaching Phonetics
Whose students quickly became lunatics
To pass the course
We screamed ourselves hoarse
And it felt a bit like in Matrix
There once was an ugly gnome
Who came from a nice city Rome
To Bydgoszcz he got
Where wasn’t that hot
And he could finally call it his home
He, who is writing was not earlier aware,
That time is just running, oh what a dare!
Write a limerick, you silly fool!
Words have escaped, now this is not cool.
Seriously, write it! There’s no time to stare.
There once was a teacher called Nick
Of students he was very sick.
They couldn't pronounce,
Not even a chance!
He left our small classroom and quick.
There was a racing dog called Bever
Who wasn’t particularly clever.
Once, thinking it was a bone,
He bit off a leg – his own.
From that day on he could race – never.
Wszystkie informacje o konkursie w Regulaminie.