Konkurs: Zgłoszone limeryki

Katedra Filologii Angielskiej Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy organizuje 3. edycję konkursu na Limeryki w języku angielskim. W tegorocznej edycji konkursu zgłoszono 22 limeryki.

Konkurs zostanie rozegrany w 3 kategoriach. Nadesłane limeryki zakwalifikowane zostaną do jednej z trzech kategorii: 1. Uczeń szkoły średniej województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego, 2. Student UKW, 3. Pracownik szkoły średniej województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego/UKW – zgodnie z danymi identyfikacyjnymi autora, nadesłanymi wraz z konkursowym limerykiem.

Limeryki będą oceniane przez Komisję konkursową, rozstrzygnięcie nastąpi 20 stycznia 2015 r., a wręczenie nagród 27 stycznia 2015 r.

Konkursowe limeryki:

There was a judge from France
He could dance
He is fifty years old
He has hidden gold
Today he is travelling to Greece.

On the cold face of earth grew a tree;
Upon it stumbled a feller - "I'll cut thee!"
As he prepared the hit
Over tree roots he tripped
And his head fell chopped-off by his swing.

There once was a fellow with oats,
Who decided to count people’s  votes.
The rules were obeyed
But the system failed.
And now he can only sell coats.

There was some strange fellow named Steve
Whom nobody really believed
He was such a liar
He claimed he ate fire
And smoke was the thing he could breathe.

There was a smart brown cow of Persia
Obsessed with English pronunciation.
It’s impossible to describe
How many words she transcribed,
The intelligent brown cow of Persia.

Never ever was there a man so clever
Like the wunderkind – John Doe – from Wherever.
His IQ was simply so high
That it could easily reach the sky.
But his dream job was weeding out the heather.

A skull-shaped rock lies beyond an owl
It eventually crashed, now the whole world howl
But a cotton supplier came
The Black got for it truly bad fame
Yet a flow did not go, oh
Cotton saved the world, woe, woe!

There was an old fellow named Walt
He once had hair, now he's bald
He became bad
And it's kinda sad
I'm sorry for him he got shot

There once was a fellow named Bill
Whose wife never cared about his will
He took a knife
and used on his wife
But don’t be scared, he didn’t kill

Once there was a bank robber named Danny
Who stole millions of dollars in Honey.
He didn’t do it stealthily.
And after thinking… lengthily,
He bribed a mute witness with hush money.

There was once a boy who had a little thought,
he wanted to stay home without getting caught.
To trick his parents he tried,
he even wanted to hide,
but it was Saturday and he just forgot.

Once there was Daga of Poland
Who wanted to live in Holland
The more she thought of it
The less she wanted it
So she'll always live in her homeland

John is really tall
And now he is painting a wall
His mom is a musician
And dad is a politician
But happy John wants to dance with fireball

A beautiful creature rose from an ocean
It was a woman, an inconceivable notion
For there a man, whose nonentity
Did not repel that mystical entity
Futile to say, what a great devotion

The best profession is a hairdresser
Each barber improves hair
Conditioners he likes to use
You may be a bit confused
He likes hair, he loves hair in his head only hair.

Mr Snowman spent his days counting
Snowflakes, sparrows flying around him.
And when the spring came to town,
It couldn't just knock him down
Because puddles haven't got a limb.

There was a man whose name was Dan
Who had no idea about using a pan
He tried and failed
Failed and tried
And still nothing he learned; Poor Mr Dan

A long time ago, near a stream
I saw a beautiful queen
She started kissing me and my ring
and dancing like the monkey king
It's funny because it was just a dream

There once was a leopard that had no dots;
With a rabbit friend Watts he drank some shots.
They both got drunk and the rabbit laughed
On the leopard’s back not being splashed
And the angry leopard ate Watts; but only in his thoughts.

A man should be aware
That If he doesn't care
About his own life
And doesn't have during it a strife,
he will end life like a rotten pear.


Santa Claus doesn’t exist,
So I won’t write a wish list,
I will be rude I swear,
I’ll cheat I won’t be fair,
I’m not going to desist.

There once was a man called Dick McWhorter
Whose one leg was substantially shorter.
His other part though was pretty impressive
(Whose length other men found rather excessive).
Thus he had many a female supporter.