Prof. Stephen Hicks na UKW

Prof. Stephen Hicks, uznany kanadyjsko-amerykański filozof i naukowiec z Uniwersytetu Rockford, gości w murach Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy. Wszystkich chętnych zapraszamy na spotkania z Panem Profesorem:

  • 11.05.2018 r. (14.00-15.00, sala 48),
  • 18.05.2018 r. (14.00-15.00, sala 48),
  • 25.05.2018 r. (14.00-15.00, sala 48).

I’m happy to announce that this summer I will be visiting professor at the University of Kasimir the Great. I’ll be teaching philosophy and philosophy of education, as well as giving some public talks on philosophical topics.

Thanks very much especially to Professor Piotr Kostyło for enabling my visit.

At right is an image of the great Kasimir (1310-1370) himself, for whom the university is named.

Prof. Stephen Ronald Craig Hicks pisze o wizycie na UKW:

fot. A. Obiała