Wykład - International organizations in Central Asia

Pani dr Jildiz Nicharapova Associate professor w American University of Central Asia w nadchodzący piątek 25 maja 2018 r. o godz. 10.00 wygłosi otwarty wykład w języku angielskim pod tytułem: International organizations in Central Asia: politics of great powers or interests of states in the region?  
Wykład odbędzie się w sali 212 Instytucie Nauk Politycznych Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego,
ul. ks. J. Poniatowskiego 12,85-671 Bydgoszcz
Krótki biogram:
Jildiz Nicharapova, Doctor in political sciences
Associate professor at American University of Central Asia (AUCA) 
Head of Research Office, American University of Central Asia
Defense of doctoral dissertation “The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: new model of cooperation or new regional integration?” (PhD), Institute of political science of Aix en Provence, France. Mention: very honorable.
Spheres of research interests: international and regional organizations, Central Asia, great powers' politics in CA, relations of China-Russia, politics of EU in CA, politics of US in CA, international security issues;
Taught courses: Theories of International Relations, European Security, Research Methods, Modern Europe, International Organizations, Contemporary IR issues. 
Krótkie streszczenie wykładu:
International organizations in Central Asia: politics of great powers or interests of states in the region?  
Central Asia is a post-Soviet 5 countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Central Asia is geopolitically attractive region for all great powers. All of these great powers possess regional or international organizations in order to forward their poltics in this region. Russia has a lot organizations in all spheres, China created SCO and recently BRI; US initiated Silk Road project, Greater Central Asia project and nowadays C5+1 project. Are these organizations uniquely serve for great powers' interests in the region? Or it is important for Central Asian states also? What role Central Asian states play in these initiatives? According to International relations theories why do international organizations exist? What are their main purposes?